470 GV North N13-L16 JapaneseDesign
470 GV North N13-L16 JapaneseDesign
This is the design won the world 2010 in Holland. N13-L16 comes from same mold of N13-L12 (2008 Olympic Gold medal design) with Different panel layout which has horizontal panels at the top section
Mainsail (N13-L16) - Japanese Design
Prix sur demande.
The full radial N13-L16 comes from the same mold as the N13-L12 with a different panel layout which has horizontal panels at the top section, it is also manufactured from Dacron HTP-165 square.This panel layout makes the exit straighter, making the trim easier, and improving pointing ability in light/medium conditions.
Mainsail standard features:
Class insignia
Sail numbers
Epoxy battens
Leech tell tales
Long roll bag
ISAF in house measurement
Class royalty label
Devis, renseignements et commandes : proemotionsarl@gmail.com
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